Wood as the Base/ Frame (Ply Wood). Best used to decorate Art Work on wall. To give an instant refreshed look when you walk into a room. Best gift you can give your loved ones. Yoga room or study room for mind body spirit rejuvenation.
History: This traditional mask is part of a culture of dance rituals in Sri Lanka. Diseases were caused by demons (Yakkas) and those diseases could be cured by rituals called devil dancing. The fire demon (Ginidal Raksha, Gini Raksha) mask is a demon mask which means its job is to ward off evil. This mask is representing the emotion of anger which is why the colours are red, orange, and yellow.The patterns on the ears are warding off all evil. The designs on the ears and the face really draw your attention which the Sri Lankan people found really important to ward off evil and evil-eyes. Specially hung in a new house (suggestions).